Serengeti National Park

A light tap on the door heralds the arrival of my early morning coffee.  It is still dark outside as we prepare for another morning game drive.  As we leave camp dawn is just breaking and the excitement in my safari jeep is palpable.  What will we see today? 

Here in the remote western reaches of Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park, gazelle, wildebeest, zebra and giraffe abound but they are not the main focus today.  Today the search is for a pride of lions with young that was spotted yesterday.  Our ranger doesn’t disappoint it isn’t long before we come across the pride relaxing in the shade of some trees. 

We sit silently watching these amazing creatures, mother and cubs interacting, the cubs play flighting just like any siblings.  Out in the wild with nothing on the horizon, endless plains as far as the eye can see, in an open sided vehicle watching a pride of lions… how often do we get to do that! I could sit and watch all day, but soon it’s time to leave and return to our camp the beautiful andBeyond Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge.  We discuss our morning sightings over a sumptuous breakfast and perhaps a nap before venturing out once more.



The Maldives


South Africa